Monday, May 12, 2008

First Newspaper Article on Toth Park in Easton, CT.

Here is the first newspaper article about changing the name of a park in EASTON, CT. named after a serial violent pedophile. Toth Park in Easton CT.

Man seeks park name change

Deanna Holgerson, Editor
May 06, 2004

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Even though Michael Powel is disappointed that the Easton Parks and Recreation Commission is not changing the name of Toth Park, he plans to press forward.
However, Powel is not sure what that means at this point.

Powel asked park and recreation commissioners Monday to change the name of Toth Park because he claims the late Stephen "Skippy" P. Toth, whom the park is named for, sexually molested him as a child."I am going to continue to fight for children," said Powel, who on Wednesday added he would to talk with his attorney, family and friends before deciding whether to force the name change through legal means. "The worst part is that it is sad for the children to be playing in a park named for [Toth.]"I just don't want another child to live this horrific life that I have. I live with this everyday," he said.The Parks and Recreation Commission met in an executive session to listen to Powel, his attorney Helen McGonigle and retired Easton Police Lt. Les Eckert tell their stories about Toth and why the park's name should change.The press, residents and Powel's supporters had to leave the meeting, even though Powel asked to be heard publicly.Powel claims that Toth tied him up, blindfolded him, performed sexual acts on him and took photographs of him. Powel, who is now 45 and suffering from brain cancer, said the incidents took places in the late 1960s and early 1970s at Toth's Easton home and in the park.Powel used to work for Toth doing odd jobs around his house, like cleaning and washing windows.The park named for Toth was changed in 1985 after Toth's death. Toth reportedly devoted his time to children by serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission and volunteering with the Boy Scouts and Little League.Powel was a Bridgeport resident at the time when the alleged molestations and said he was age 9 when it began. Powel moved away from Connecticut when he was 15 and now resides in St. Petersburg, Fla.He also alleges that Carlo Fabbozzi, a Bridgeport resident and former groundskeeper for St. Theresa's Church in Trumbull, also molested him. A civil lawsuit Powel filed against Fabbozzi is set to begin May 27 in Bridgeport Superior Court.Powel said he was a cub scout at the time learning to tie knots for a badge when Toth allegedly asked him if he needed help."He was so respected in Scouting that I let him tie me up and blindfold me," Powel said. "That's when it happened and he performed sexual acts on me."I was just a 10-year-old kid. I know I am not the only one," he said.Eckert, who did not meet Powel until Monday night, said he could collaborate Powel's story. Eckert worked for Toth cleaning school buses at the Toth Transportation business. Eckert said Toth led him to a part of his home to an alcove where there a single bed. He alleges that Toth tried to molest him by tying him up."I was older, about 14 years old, so I was able to get away from him," Eckert said. "I was scared but I got away."Eckert said he never liked driving by Toth Park when he was a police officer."The name of that park always sticks in my throat," Eckert said.Clarence "Bud" Jennings, who attended Monday's meeting, said he knew Toth for many years and had a hard time believing Powel's and Eckert's stories."My sons were in his programs and there were never any rumors," Jennings said. "He's not even here to defend himself. I think that this is ridiculous."McGonigle said Powel has repressed his memories and that it wasn't until he was diagnosed and being treated for brain cancer that he began to remember the molestations."Michael reported the incidents and the perpetrators to the proper authorities," McGonigle said. "Now he would like to see the park change its name from Toth Park back to its original name of Easton Park." Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman John Cunningham said this is still an open case."Further evidence is needed," Cunningham said.Powel said he's no surprised how Easton town officials have handled his request."They have listened to me but they are dismissing my story," Powel said.
©Easton Courier 2008

Reader Opinions:
Annie Vitale
May, 20 2004

Mr. Powell & Mr. Eckert are brave men to go before the town and their committees with their allegations. If their stories are true, this town has a moral obligation to immediately remove that name from our children's park. What they claim happened to them is horrific and disgusting and I commend them both for coming forward. Personally, I will never be able to view the park in the same way.

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