Monday, May 12, 2008

Toth Park, Easton CT.named after a pedophile

Park name change saga continues

Deanna Holgerson, Editor
June 03, 2004

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Even though a third man has stepped forward to tell of alleged sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of the late Stephen Toth, town officials to date have taken no action to rename Toth Park.
The park was named after a man who previously was renowned in Easton for his work as a volunteer for the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Boy Scouts and Little League.

However, three men claim he abused them as children. Toth died in 1985.Florida resident Michael Powel asked the Easton Parks and Recreation Commission to rename the park in April. He said he's angry and disappointed with town officials' failure to do so."It's a crime what's being done," said Powel, who addressed the Board of Selectmen May 20. "I'm glad that I don't live in Easton. I wouldn't want my children playing in a park named after [Toth]."Powel said he is unhappy with the way Easton officials have treated him since he reported the alleged abuse to town police four years ago."People don't report sexual abuse for no reason because it's shameful and embarrassing," Powel said. "They [the selectmen] told me that I wasn't a victim of sexual abuse. It's inexcusable."Powel said he's grateful for the support of family and friends. He also alleges that Carlo Fabbozzi, a Bridgeport resident and former groundskeeper for St. Theresa's Church in Trumbull, also molested him. A civil lawsuit Powel filed against Fabbozzi was presented to a Bridgeport Superior Court judge May 27."There are more victims coming out," said Powel, who said he has received e-mails from two more individuals who claim that Toth abused them as children. They asked to remain anonymous at this time, he said."How many more do they need?" Powel asked. "It's inexcusable."The third man to speak out about alleged abuse attended the May 20 Board of Selectmen meeting where he met with town officials behind closed doors. The man, a Vermont resident, alleges Toth molested him but does not want to be identified at this time. He reportedly grew up in Easton and was involved in the town's scouting program.Powel and former town police officer Lester Eckert re told their story in executive session. Powel and Eckert previously addressed the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding changing the name of Toth Park. Since the Board of Selectmen meeting took place in executive session, the public and the media were not allowed to attend.It was after Powel and Eckert faced the Easton Parks and Recreation Commission, attempting to change the park's name that the third man called Powel. However, the commission chose not to rename the park unless more people step forward to claim abuse.Powel's attorney, Helen McGonigle of Brookfield, said the Board of Selectmen tabled any decision about renaming Toth Park until its June 17 meeting."I believe that the meetings should be conducted openly so other people can hear Michael's and Les's stories," McGonigle said. "Michael and Les both wanted to tell their stories publicly."And, since the meeting was conducted in executive session, the audiotape was not rolling. There's no record of what was said during the meeting," she said. "I think this also sends a bad message to kids in Easton; we'll listen to you, but you won't be believed."First Selectmen William Kupinse said the selectmen agreed to conduct the meeting in executive session but decided to table Powel's request publicly."We decided to table this in case more evidence is gathered, and this allows time to submit it," Kupinse said. "We are not shirking our duty. If the park needs to be renamed, it will be. This is a difficult situation."Kupinse said he does not doubt that Powel believes that Toth assaulted him. He also has talked to others who said Toth would never harm a child, he said."I did not know Stephen Toth personally, but I did know of him," Kupinse said. "I knew of him primarily being connected to kids."Kupinse said it is not the Board of Selectmen's job to rename Toth Park."We can make a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Commission about whether the park needs to be renamed," Kupinse said.Powel, now 45, claims that Toth sexually molested him numerous times starting when he was 9 years old in the late 1960s and continued to do so until the early 1970s. He alleges that Toth tied him up, blindfolded him, performed sexual acts on him and took photographs of him.Powel, who is suffering from brain cancer, said the incidents took places at Toth's Easton home and in Toth Park. As a child, he used to work for Toth doing odd jobs around his house, like cleaning and washing windows. He repressed his memories, and it wasn't until he was treated for brain cancer that he began to remember the molestations, he said.Eckert, who said he could collaborate Powel's story, claims that Toth also attempted to molest him. Eckert worked for Toth cleaning school buses at the Toth Transportation business. He alleges that Toth tried to molest him by tying him up, but since he was 14 at the time and a bigger boy, he was able to get away.
©Easton Courier 2008


Unknown said...

I saw a petition to rename Toth Park outside the Easton voting location today (November 6, 2012).

I did not sign the petition.

I knew Stephen Toth by his nickname “Skipper” back in the
1960s. I was his first school bus pick-up each day, and several times he'd be there extra early - waiting for me. We'd sit and talk a while before it was time to start the daily drive to pick up the other kids. In the winter he’d have the heater on and I could stand close to keep warm before we took off.

Skipper was a wonderful man who I looked up to. I enjoyed being walked to the bus stop a little early with my Mom just so I could be with him on the bus alone, just the two of us - talking.

He never laid a hand on me nor was inappropriate in any manner. He was a honorable man whom I respected and remember with the highest regards.

Nick said...

Mr. Unknown,

Face reality, a dozen men claim to have been molested as children. Rational adults do not step forward with sexual abuse allegations, unless the abuse occurred. This is not one person's cliam, this is many individuals. I am positive that Stephen Toth is not the pillar of society that you remember. He is a child predator. Just because he was nice to you, does not mean otherwise.


2012 News Update said...

November 8, 2012

Easton Parks & Rec Commission votes 6-0 to remove the Toth name from Easton's town park effective immediately.

s(b.) said...

Nice. Thanks for the update.